Saturday, November 5, 2011

Facebook Blows...

...not really. 

I fervently wanted to hate this product, and came on-board kicking and screaming.  But after a week, I must say, I've kind of had fun.  I'm still getting my sea legs, but here are some ettiquette tips for the Book of Face:
  • Try not to be too snarky.  Face is a pretend land of puppies, kittens, and babies.  Save your snarkiness for real life or your blog.
  • Don't drunk Facebook....I awoke this morning aghast at what I'd done...
  • Avoid conversations on the douchiness of the Confederate Flag, reinstating the Pope as the head of the Church of England, and personal unresolved "Mommy" issues when the world knows this crap is spewing forth from your actual mouth. It could explain the sticks of dynamite rubber banded w/my morning newspaper. 
  • For the love of God people, DO NOT post the following as your profile picture:  The Blessed Sacrament, the Tasmanian devil, your kid, your dog, a fat bottomed girl (you know who you are), a picture of you in a previous decade...what are you hiding?
  • And lastly, give it up, and get over yo bad sef, there ain't no secrets on the Book of Face.  


  1. Good to know. Everyone has their own snark medium. Just like some folk like working in pastels, oils, or takes some experimenting to see where your talent lies.

  2. That's no clown, that's one of my matches from
