Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dazed & Confused, Spirit of '76?

Where are we now?  Some are dead.  Some are bald, gray, and surely we're not as skinny, and hard as we used to be.  Most of us opted out of the "Boss/Capitalist" game that earlier and later generations have come to embrace with both greedy arms.   You won't find many of us among the "tea party," but we're still at our own kinda trippy "tea party, " and listening to our music really really loud (sorry kids).

#1 song of 1976.  We may not be the "Greatest Generation" like our moms and dads, but this song speaks volumes as to what a cool and chill generation we were/ still are.  Happy 4th to you '76 ers out there reading this today... esp. Parker, Mame, Emma, and Claire.



    Another one dedicated to you '76 s. You totally "get" this, no need for explanation.
