Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Yacht Rock" Redux - New Music Tuesday

From among the flotsam and jetsom of "pop music,"  Babs has selected the following for this week's "Yacht Rock" new music pick. My criteria is as follows:

1.  Does it channel "Yacht Rock?"  Specifically do you hear Michael McDonald iconically singing background vocals?
2.  Can you "ride like the wind" on land, air, and sea while grooving to this music?
2.  Would you look really cool if riding a vespa smoking a cigarette with this music playing in the background?
3.  Would Sonny Crockett have this on his playlist? 



  1. Where do you find this stuff? Are you plugged in to another dimension or astral plane?
    It was like a bad dream that I had forgotten, until now. It was not a time in music history that inspired me... but THIS WAS FUNNY!

  2. Hollywood Steve is divorced from my sister, Gin. He now lives in an "air cooled" storage unit (cardboard box) beneath the Micanopy exit on 75, and I'm trying to help him get back on his feet. Hopefully I'll be able to get him an entree with TP (Tom Petty) hissef, soon. Working on it, love you, and keep the faith, Hollywood Steve. Yours in smoothness.
