Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just sayin'

The greatest slang phrase that appears to have gone viral.  It holds harmless the utterer of the offending statement with no need for citation or source of defense.

"Just sayin,' your boyfriend is a total douche." 

"Just sayin,' I think 'American Idol' is for retards."

"Just sayin,' have you ever thought he may not call you from Seattle cuz he's got a girlfriend there? (underbreath, dumb bitch)"


  1. I can't stand 'American Idol' or any of the other reality shows. The only reason that so many of these shows are made is because they're incredibly cheap to produce.

  2. Word, sista.
    Claire, reality shows are both insipid and inane, and they suck.

    Check out last PP of Ernest Hooper's column from today's SPT. Hey kids you heard it first at Babs.

    "I wish that Coors Light party train you see on commercials actually existed. I would love to catch it at Union Station for happy hour, especially if it could drop me off behind the Pizza Hut in Seffner.

    That's all I'm saying."

  3. Actually props must go out to Sexy Kay who brought "just sayin'" back with her from summer vacation in Detroit. I think the correct etymology dates to way back in the day. Didn't we say it in the 70's. I can't remember, that whole decade is kinda foggy.

  4. Just sayin' this blog emits a foul and offensive odor. I find the just sayin' trend is yet another sign of our inability to state a position clearly and stick to it. Just sayin' is the watchword of those with jello spines. Your blog blows!

  5. Could you state your position more clearly?

  6. Wow! I don't see anyone on my screen holding a gun to my head to read this...
