Sunday, August 29, 2010

The love pours from another satisfied reader...

"Saturday night, I opened your blog in which your advice to a young, sweet niece was to become a cold hard bitch (I guess so she could end up bitter and alone like you, and you'd have some company)."

Au contraire, I advised my niece to become a cold hard bitch so she doesn't end up UNEMPLOYED and on alimony for life like you. 

"Since you started your blog, your 'humor' has become so mean and nasty that it makes me cringe. You think it's because I'm not cool enough that I don't find it funny -- no, it's because I'm not MEAN enough."

Aww, shucks reader, not everybody can be MEAN & COOL and obviously you are neither.  Darling, leave the heavy lifting to us real bitches.  Oops I think your Junior League meeting is being called to order.


  1. Was that from a relative? Sounds like someone with an axe to grind.

  2. I should amend the above. I just think it sounds like someone either in your family (who might be very involved with this) or someone who truly doesn't know you at all.

  3. Let's just say dear Claire, that I am an equal opportunity offender, to friends & family alike. It's my signature style. Not just mine, but the whole Bogart Clan... In fact our family business slogan is "Bogart Bail Bonds. Where we treat you like family. Like shit."
