Sunday, August 8, 2010

Epic Shakespearean Tragedy

Am I alone, or is it painful to watch the debacle of Tiger Woods physical and mental death spiral played out on the world's stage? 

Is there anything that could redeem this wretched creature?  Yes... talent, courage, and gumption. 

Tiger you will never change your stripes, and you are no match for your Nordic goddess soon to be ex wife, who has won this battle. 

You are a beaten man, and you need to retreat, regroup, and take a page out of U. S. Grant's playbook. Go back to your own personal Galena, Illinois, and then arise like a phoenix from the ashes. 

Okay Grant saved the Union, but you are charged with the task of saving the most boring game on the face of the earth from it's own demise.

What's with the horrid green shirt, white belt, and trou that look like Mamma hemmed them after tippling a box of Franzia at the Akron La Quinta last night?  The bad boy, goatee, flava sava, makes you look downright unsavory.


  1. See:
    ti: "U.S. Grant--from obscurity to military greatness."
    au: Farina. Wm.

  2. Maybe he thinks the goatee makes him 'look' like the bad boy he is... :D

  3. Is he getting a paunch? Probably the inordinate amount of time he spends trolling at Perkins in the greater Orlando metro area.
