From: "Your Man Down Under"
Re: What the Dickens?
Dear Babs:
Dickens 200th birthday was Tuesday. Maybe I should try him again? I tried Oliver Twist (and something else) when I was way too young for it and came away feeling that all Dickens was depressing.
Reply to: "My Man"
Yea, Dickens is depressing, but so is life my handsome friend.
You will miss out on a lot if you don't give Dickens a twirl. For example, who but Dickens could conjure up the name "Mr. Pecksniff?" to describe a "supercilious nebbish who transmogrifies into the penultimate bloviating popinjay" [testimony of Babs in Hillsborough County Circuit Court, Fang vs. Babs, DR Case #666, 12/06].
How did Babs get so good at wordsmithing?...she bent over and enjoyed both Bleak House and Little Dorritt.
Indeed I came away from the experience (both Dickens and the Divorce) feeling like I needed to go into some kind of rehab or witness protection program, and yes, not everyone possesses the literary chops to tackle separates the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the Danielle Steeles from the Edith Whartons.
My advice to you... take your big Dickens with you next time you head into the bush. And don't forget to pack a post-coital smoke or two-- you'll deserve it when you're done.
You're welcome
RIP, Mr. Dickens.