WHAT??? A week, two days, 15 hours, and 9 minutes ago.
WHY??? Recovery time. Like sands through the hourglass....I'm running out of it.
HOW I FEEL? Like shit. Way too good.
HOW I LOOK? Like shit. Eyes swollen with dark bags underneath. My liver's not used to all this clean living.
WHAT MY FRIENDS ARE SAYING (behind my back): Bitch be a bore.
WHAT MY FRIENDS ARE SAYING (to my face): Bitch, when are you gonna start drinking again?
WHAT MY CHILDREN ARE SAYING: Who are you? and where have you taken our mother?
Bitch, you look DAMN good! Your face looks like a porcelain doll and your hair has never been as shiny! But it is true, who are you and what have you done with our mother?