This has been my knitting output during the last two games with the evil Yankee empire. I axe you, wtf am I going to do with this 12 foot long furry angora scarf in Florida? Yea, yea, I can here the chorus of my sibs now "go hang yourself with that fugly scarf." Hey folks...coming to a Xmas tree near you...
When Jeter was at bat my needles would spark and fly with righteous indignation if not seething anger. Honest to God, I just hate that dude's cocky swagger, hauteur, and his "assume the position" batting stance.
For those of you who can read, below is a good recap of the night of baseball, which can only be described as Shakespearean in scope. BTW, written by Bay City, MI homeboy.
For many of you who can't or won't read the video below sums it all up pretty well. FYI, I'm dating the tall one.
P.S. To the righteous and opinionated Mr. Parker Stone, & my readers in the UK & Oz who look down their noses at baseball as akin to watching paint dry...fuck you and kiss my ass. Have at it y'all, with your extreme frisbee and uber boring soccer. Oops aren't those games for 6th grade boys and 4th grade girls respectively? Jus sayin'.