Thursday, June 2, 2011

320 sq. foot home.

"It's not what you don't have, but what you have."  I totally love this concept of simplifying your life.  Lord can be done.



  1. Very cool. Although, I'm afraid Mr. Claire and I would each need our own home. We could have side-by-sides!

    Seriously, though, this makes me think of people I've known who've lived in really tiny apts. in cities like New York, Boston and around D.C. It's amazing how much you can do to have space that's multi-functional. It would certainly be easier to keep this 320 sq. ft. place clean than keeping our house clean.

    I also understand about wanting to simplify your life. That's why I often have the 'urge to purge' when it comes to 'things' I own. It feels great and I like to think that it allows someone else to enjoy things that I no longer want/need.

  2. That MILF has a nice rack. I couldn't help but note that she keeps lots of spare mattresses around. Oh yeah,cool little house too. Who needs clothes when you've got a MILF like that in close quarters.---Feckless Piker

  3. Piker you are shameless, and most probably bestotted with Makers Mark.

    Claire, you and Mr. Claire could have a tunnel. It's like when you go on a cruise-- a place for everything, and everything in it's place. In close quarters you keep things ship shape and tidy, including your rack.

  4. I would need separate units, respectively, for
    1) my books
    2) my clothes (non archival)
    3) my clown paint

    I guess it's time to purge and/or start an ebay store.

  5. Sigh. The Piker knows no shame.

    I, too, have a problem shedding items from the above categories, Babs. Oh my...

  6. And my could fit in one unit. Hair and failed beauty product would, at this point, tuck into another...egad Claire...My master plan/schemata is to downsize/reduce my footprint into a vintage one bedroom apartment with a verandah (and fireplace) on Davis Islands. Quality not quantity. Room w/aview etc. European sensibilities if you will. Gonna have to start off loading, as I foresee a drastically reduced income stream in my future. Gonna hang onto the Saab by hook or crook, as I may be reduced to living in it.

  7. I'm afraid I'm in the same sinking boat regarding downsizing in various categories. I would be ashamed for anyone to see my nail polish table or lipstick drawers!

    Remember Dee's idea!

  8. We are like the doomed Romanov ladies who conscientiously sewed their diamonds and jewels into their corsets,and ultimately prolonged their own deaths/assasinations by greed and avarice. Honey we can't take it with us.

    God is smiting me, every piece of real/and or substantial jewelry I've ever owned has been lost or stolen.

    Yet that paste/costume jewelry I bought in college, or at "Forever 21" is still w/in my possession.

  9. I love shotgun homes, but I have to admit this is tiny even for one person. But it is cute, and really does show what you can do with organization.

    The Piker needs to cool down.

  10. It also reminds me of the displays at Ikea of tiny apartments that are so cute you don't notice how tiny they are. We Americans as a whole could definitely downsize.

  11. Exactly!! It reminds me of Marjorie Kinan Rawlings home at Cross Creek. Just darling!!

  12. Hey, you guys think that was bad. You should be really glad I didn't into a full analysis of the methane implications in such close quarters.---Feckless Piker

  13. Babs, you are delusional if you think you could live in one of those tiny houses. You need an Olympic class power lifter just to move your cosmetics case. Besides, where would you park your Heath-Robinson contraption?---Piker

  14. Yea, you would have to change your diet Pike if you were to share close quarters. However, my ex, Fang used to like to entertain himself with methane discharge. He would say "fartus ergo sum," or "I stink therefore I am." I think that's how he soothed himself in the Romanian orphanage he grew up in.
    And yes, I would require a separate wing for my clown paint station. Not to mention the hair product station. CD's in a separate pod. Hey whatya know it looks just like a FEMA trailer park.

  15. Babs, you don't need all that clown paint. You're a natural beauty. On your worst day you make that MILF in the video look like a sow in Farmer John's feed lot.---Piker

  16. Aww shucks, flattery will get you had me at "hello" Piker. Melting into a puddle of girlishness on this 92 degree day.

    That said, tain't goin thru the revolution w/out me clown paint. 'Tis me armor and me shield.

  17. I'm with Babs, Piker. Gotta stick with the clown paint. As for the methane, I live with Mr. Claire -- enough said.

    My dad used to cup his hand to his ear and shout "Hark" as a warning...
