To: Babs
From: Parker Stone
Date: 2/5/11
Subject: Just curious?
Sacajewa* and I are busy cleaning in advance of Super Bowl gig here in the gated compound. The feature on the menu will be Pigs-in-a-Blanket.
Curious, who are you backing, Pittsburgh or Green Bay? And will you be coming to the party, so I can order a taxi in advance?
To: Parker Stone
From: Babs
Date: 2/6/11
Subject: FW: Just curious?
Dear Parker:
Wow, pigs in a blanket, be still my beating heart. It's heartening to know you've upgraded from last year's fare of cheese whiz on stale Triskets. Parker, just curious, do you still own that that surly little rat-dog cur that bit me last year? Are you gonna lock that little bitch in the attic?
And Parker you know I am perhaps the only person in the US who couldn't give a shit about the stupid Superbowl. Millionaire v. Millionaire.
Oh, and the lure of corporate America..."hey retards, watch our ads." The Superbowl is merely the closing ceremony of the bloated, greed-induced capitalist high season that spans Thanksgiving and culminates on Superbowl Sunday.
Yea, thanks dude, order the taxi. Tell 'Jawea I'll be bringing cocktail weinies.
*Sacajawea= Parker's crunchy granola wife.