From: Private Citizen
Subject: Lifting Gun Ban in State Parks
Date: January 31, 2011
I was appalled to learn that you have lifted the ban on carrying firearms openly in our state parks, just as I was when you signed the "Guns-in-Bars" bill last July. It is utterly incomprehensible to me that you fail to see the correlation between a country with weak gun laws and a country with one of the highest levels of gun violence in the world. Did you learn nothing from Tucson? Did you learn nothing from the Virginia Tech massacre? What will it take for our leaders to quit appeasing the gun nuts, and start looking out for the safety of its citizens?? There is a lot of anger in this country right now. The last thing we need is to be making it easier for the angry wing nuts to arm themselves. The only people who should carry hand guns are police and other law enforcement personnel...PERIOD. And yet the debate isn't whether we should eliminate semi-automatic weapons lately, but whether we should limit the number of rounds they can shoot without reloading. COME ON! Give me ONE reason why a private citizen needs a semi-automatic weapon? There IS only one -- to kill people!! How hard is this to understand??? Take a look at that mother in Tampa last week-end, who decided to shoot her two children because they were always back-talking her. Every day it's another horrific story, but you legislators keep burying your heads in the sand, clinging to the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment was written during a completely different era of history, and I find it insane that you as a leader don't see that. I beg of you -- quit listening to the gun lobbyists and try using your brain. Your state depends on your wise choices.

54 Teacup Lane
Richmond, VA
Emma: Great letter. Thanks for letting me post. "Guns-in-Bars" is nearly as ludicrous as Fla. "Stand Your Ground" statute which allows you to kill somebody if you fear for your safety.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Emma! Also, if I hear one more right-wing gun nut rep state that Washington D.C. has tough gun laws, etc, but still has deaths by gun -- HELLLOOO!!! The last time I checked, D.C. is THISCLOSE to Virginia which has some of the laxest gun laws in the country. Gee, how conveniently they forget that when talking about gun violence in the district.
ReplyDeleteDoes the gun lobby have the testicles (or the boobs if the rep is a woman) of most of these people in a vise ready to turn the handle if
these people dare stray from the script? GUNS AT ALL COSTS. Oh, wait, I forgot... silly me! This is about the money! "You no like guns, we no give you money."
Isn't it always about the money?
I used to think love conquered all..."love--or the fear of not having it, or the worry about not having enough of it, of the terror of losing it...predictable in my iron-faith in that weapon's power." Ken Kesey "Sometimes a Great Notion."
ReplyDeleteI now think Karl Marx may have had it right...all history and all actions are based upon economics.
This is truly horrible and sad.
ReplyDeleteAlaska's lone Congressman, Don Young, is getting lots of ink in Doonesbury these days on this topic.
I predict we'll have another symbolic political battle after the 2012 election and pass something like the Brady Bill.
The only way to effectively make a difference is to remove all handguns and assault rifles from the populace, like Canada. Hunting rifles and shotguns only.
No State or National level politician in this country (red or blue State) could survive with this platform.
Not a word of this in last weeks State of the Union.
Every culture seems to have their inexplicably messed-up practice (Muslim = female circumcision). In the US,it is the legal right to own, carry publicly, and in many cases, conceal a weapon capable of unleashing mayhem on our fellow citizenry.