Saturday, October 23, 2010

Run like Hell

Detroit Metropolitan Chapter Evening Fundraiser TONIGHT!!
5K Run... Walk if you want.  I know I'd be hauling my sorry cigarette-smoking ass through those spooky streets, praying "feet don't fail me now."  Object of the fundraiser:  folk run like hell through the moonlit, haunted, abandoned streets of Detroit to make it to the safety of the Woodward Avenue Brewery.  

Just imagine...the momentary visceral thrill.... a short, scary, skeedaddle through the valley of the shadow of death...a fine craft brew awaiting you at the end of your ordeal?  Super value added!  Truly a reality show, Ringling Bros, Barnum & Bailey,  Hieronymus Bosch seven layers of hell experience rolled into one tidy fund raising package! 

Can we not officially bestow, with laurels, the "Nero Played while Rome Burned" award to Detroiters for accepting with humor the bathos of their pathos? or vice versa?


  1. I would totally participate--a cause near and dear--but I would also totally have my pepper spray right next to my I-Pod.
