Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday's Mailbag

Dear Readers:

Below please find a smattering of the random love I receive via the world wide interwebs.

Unlike the rest of this blog, none of this is conjured nor fabricated from the whole cloth fertile imagination of Babs, every word of it is true. Folks, keep those cards and letters coming.


Subject: "Navel Gazing"
Date: September 12, 2010 9:54:07 PM PDT
To: Babs The Bitch
Dear Babs:
You are in some self deluded funny person parade of your own.
You are Muamar Gadaffi and I am the USAF 10th Tactical Air Command, bitch!!

Subject: A nudge from Match.com
Date:  September 13, 2010 1:50:54 PM PDT

To: Babs the Bitch

Dear Babs:
Regarding your inquiry as to my living arrangements.  Yes, I was incarcerated...Bank and an armored car.  One assault, no injury.  Seventeen years in Federal Pen altogether.  Just realeased and living in a transition "facility."  I am tall and slender in USMC shape with lots of tatts.

Subject: "This Moment"
Date: September 13, 2010 9:54:07 PM PDT 

To: Babs the Bitch
Dear Babs: 
Please donate $5 or more to help grow this movement in the critical weeks ahead: https://donate.barackobama.com/ 
President Barack Obama  


  1. Great choice for the 'Guido' pic! DD-L can't sing and was truly dreadful. Could Guido be Lord Polo????

  2. No not his Highness the Punjab of Polo. He's too busy on Facebook to read my blog.

  3. Whose the moron that thinks Muammar Qaddafi is Gaddafi??

  4. Guido is Babs' 1. agent provacateur; 2) my immoral compass; and 2)life coach ("get yosef laid"). In addition to being able to lay the literal smack down on Babs, Guido is maybe as smart as Babs, a high ranking double agent, a scoundrel, skallawag, a life long friend to Babs, but he never has, and never will be able to spell. So sue him. Love you Guido.
