Saturday, August 21, 2010

Who would've thunk?

Baby sis' Mame continues to embrace this outdoor/healthiness/camping fad with frightening ardor. Frankly, I want to puke.  Bogart family, if you are reading this, we may have to stage an intervention.  Aww shucks, forget it, too much work, and we'd have to see each other. 

Mame sent Babs a text waxing on about the transcendence of setting up camp smelling woodsmoke and Lake Michigan (Xanax-STAT). This is the same Washington party girl extraordinaire that made Babs look downright Amish in comparison.  Mame did train as Babs apprentice, and she managed to outshine the master.  This is the self same girl who:

  • Set her own acrylic nails afire during her chain smoking days.
  • Got dry humped from behind by Ted Kennedy at a Capitol Hill office party, and liked it.
  • Showed up drunk as a skunk with a possee of random guys at the hospital when Babs was in labor with Baby B (granted, Mame had been given strict and explicit marching orders to be there upon termination of confinement with a carton of Virginia Slims, and a bottle of Jack-- good soldier Mame).
  • Told me once that "she only shagged at five star hotels."
Little gal got some kinda religion going with this camping shit? (not the first time...remember curly perms, and tae bo?)  Think I'll jes' set back and watch Mame continue to make a fool of herself, and remind her, once she comes too, and is once again shagging at five stars, of her unnatural flirtation with nature.  
Mame then.

Mame Now


  1. I like the "then" and "now."

  2. Oh, in all fairness, I should mention that a friend of one of my sisters also set her acrylic nails on fire while lighting a cigarette. Those bad habits can kill you...

  3. Yes, it's true, maintenance of acrylic nails takes up an awful lot of time and money that could be spent on smoking and drinking.

  4. Thanks to Lil' Sis' Mame who recommeded this rockin' tune after hearing on Radio free Amerika, aka socialist CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Compay) sans censors across Lake St. Claire to the tired, wretched, refuse of Detroit, MI.
