The minute Mame's exquisite camo boots inadvertently step in and are bespoiled by a huge steaming, stinking pile of bear scat, comprised of among other things, a shining human incisor, and randomy manicured finger tip in OPI Red, Mame may want to reconsider the advisability of this lark. I've suggested she outfit herself with a small stylish clutchable firearm, that could accidentally mortally wound Kip in the event of a bear attack.
So back to killer mosquitoes and sticks posing as rattle snakes. Us savvy Floridians know 'tis the season of encephilits werein a random mosquito coud bite you and your head would swell to twice it's size before you died a slow and painful death-- needless to say, you would show absolutely awfully in an open coffin.
Also pygmy rattlers swarm to suburbia at this time of year in a concerted effort to wreak vengence on unsuspecting humans by posing as harmless sticks just waiting to sink their evil fangs into your lower extremities. Bite won't kill you, but shitty Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage in the form of a bill delivered upon your discharge from hospital, may just do the job.
This is why I only venture out into that wicked sizzle of Sol, to perform my duties as a wage slave, get my nails done, and random larks to Stein Mart fully armed to the gills with taser and/or pepper spray, also bring rubber cement for a random sniff should I need to bolster myself during times of crisis. Haven't even touched on the sassy Florida gator, which is just waiting pond-side for a stupid fat Yankee to toss him a random marshmallow.
Have fun in CO Mame, and remember make Kip pay for EVERYTHING.
SO true about the snakes here. I am 'at two' with nature. I like looking out the window. :)
ReplyDeleteHa. just love it...at "two with nature." There's also the National Geographic channel in HD which satisfies any needs to reconnect with the natural world quite nicely.
ReplyDeleteDear Babs: Mame will not be outfitted in safari garb. Think silky, wicking tees from Patagonia, zip-off fast drying pants from the North Face and hoodies coated in high performance fluids to repel harmful rays and biting insects. More like Maggie O'Connell a la Northern Exposure.
ReplyDeleteBabs here's a way from you to make your first million. Why don't you create a line of high fashions to repel those nasty Florida creatures? THe name of your line "Mother Nature's a Bee-Itch"!
I stole at "two with nature" from Woody Allen. :P
ReplyDeleteClaire dear, please consider running with the "Mother Nature's a Bee-itch" line in your impending retirement. You are perfectly poised to take this concept viral.
ReplyDeleteHey what happened to the Exit 69 post? You did it again! I see the first part on my feed and then I click and NOTHING! Stop being such a tease!