Friday, February 26, 2010

Hand Some Dick

Babs is fagged out this Fry Day.  She had to lift that barge and tote that bale-- which means she has shown up for her day job for two straight weeks in a row (played dress up).

Babs wants to crawl in the rack for a straight eight. But I can't let my fan base down, and I need to reach out to hand some Dick

Dick you know who you are.  You can run but you can't hide. Dick can be reached at

When not out on a hot date, or at the bar with my peeps, or passed out from wine and sleep aids, Babs tunes in to Dick's show on:

Dick if you're out there read Babs' blog, and read it again, and read the mail I have sent you, and give this bitch a high paid job in rock and roll.  You have true rock cred, and spin good cuts.  But me thinks thou dost boast way too f****** much.  As Rob-In is to Stern: Babs could be to Dick.  Your show is good, but it's way too much Dick.

You need some one to take you down.  I am just the bitch to do it.  Dick, hear what the J. Geils Band has to say, and "Give it to Me!!"


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